General Insurance

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Our Motor insurance covers protect the insured against financial loss in the event that the motor vehicle is involved in an accident, burnt or stolen.

We offer 3 types of coverage:

-Third-Party: Covers third-party bodily injury and property damage arising out of a vehicle accident.

-Third-Party Fire & Theft: Cover extends to cover theft, fire, third party bodily injury and property damage.

-Comprehensive: Covers third-party liability and property damage to the vehicle i.e. damage arising out of fire, theft and accidental damage to the vehicle.

Types of vehicles covered:

✔ Private vehicle

✔ Commercial vehicle

✔ Public Service Vehicle (PSV)

✔ School/Institutional buses

✔ Motor cycle

Our Home Insurance also known as Domestic Package offers protection to your home including possessions within your home such as electronics, furniture, clothes and mobile phones that can be stolen or damaged or ravaged in a fire. 

This cover can also extend to include personal accident cover for your home assistant/ house managers and workers protecting you from any accidental liability. 

Cover includes:

✔ Damages caused by Fire

✔ Accidental Damage

✔ Liability to Third Parties

✔ Theft

✔ Occupational accidents

Our Travel Insurance is insurance coverage for risks associated with traveling such as loss of luggage, delays, and death or injury while in a foreign country.

Cover includes:

✔ Baggage loss 

✔ Overseas Emergency medical services

✔Flight delays and cancellation

Our Marine Insurance covers the loss or damage of ships, cargo, terminals and any transport by which the property is transferred, acquired, or held between the points of origin and the final destination.

We insure a wide range of marine risks and also boast a range of technical and reinsurance support services whether for a small private craft or a multinational organization.

Cover Includes:

✔ Protection against Piracy.

✔ Protection against theft, fire, explosion 

✔ Protection against natural calamity 

Our Golfers Insurance covers the following items: 

✔ Equipment Cover- Protects your equipment therefore in the event of a claim you would receive new equipment at your original purchase price, regardless of its age or as per your written policy claim.

✔ Personal Liability- Protects your legal position, should you damage property or injure another person whilst playing golf. 

✔ Personal Accident- Protects you, should you sustain a serious injury on the golf course, you will be compensated. 

✔ Hole-In-One Cover- Enables you to pay your club-bar bill in the event you a score a hole-in-one.

Our Fire Insurance is an offering under property insurance that covers damage and losses caused by fire, lightning and explosion. Fire insurance helps you to cover the cost of replacement, repair, or reconstruction of property, above the limit set by the property insurance policy.

Cover includes:

✔ Bush fire

✔ Earthquake

✔ Explosion

✔ Floods

✔ Malicious damage

All risk insurance is a type of property or casualty insurance policy that covers ANY peril, as long as the contract does not specifically exclude it from coverage.

Our all risk insurance covers loss arising from any fortuitous cause except those that are specifically excluded. Contrary to a named perils contract, an all-risk policy does not name the risks covered, but instead, names the risks not covered. In so doing, any peril not named in the policy is automatically covered.

Cover includes:

✔ Fire

✔ Lightning

✔ Flood

✔ Storm

✔ Tempest

✔ Acts of God

✔ Theft

✔ Malicious damage

✔Impact damage among others

Our Burglary insurance covers losses or damage resulting from or following the unlawful or forcible breaking and entering of designated premises or places of safekeeping.

Cover includes:

✔ Office equipment

✔ Stock in trade

✔ Furniture

✔ Fixtures and fittings